Conversations 2015

Diary Funny

I am just recording the progress of my new year’s resolution! ;) Have a casual talk with one stranger in average every day. The goal is not talking to people everyday. (sometimes I would isolate myself for several days.) It’s to pursuit the final goal that 365 days would talk to 365 different persons! :laughing:



  1. Ben, from UK, the reception of gym room. “Is DJ part of your duty?” And he is not a student, serving for several gyms at the same time. He was laughing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


  1. Andreea, from Romania, from hacking club. We talked about the course, the professor, and the PhD paper. Have a hug! :laughing:

  2. Ian, from Germany, a professor from a law school in Birmingham: A very clear-minded and performative guy. We talked about education, courages in job application, international students, deficit of British law, philosophy. A very big talk. :relieved:

  3. Ahmed, from Iraq, and worked as a teacher in university in Iraq, now second year PhD student at UoB, having published three papers already! Had a very very good Buffet together at Five ways! Very good at algorithms! Laughs like Achim. And we both think Achim and Tom are so handsome that we want to cry! Talked about life, papers, algorithms, movies, Muslim religions! :relaxed:


  1. Bobbie: from Indonesia. A Bham student in Health Science. Met her at the Learning Center for several times, so naturally exchanged contacts. :smiley:


  1. Zeana: A girl from (阿拉伯国家,具体忘了T—T). Very beautiful and knowledgable. Explain things well! Had several chats during the lectures! :blush:


  1. Zully: a CS girl from Ecuador. Very Q! She told me a lot about trip in Edinburgh, delicious food, (Cannot remember others but only Plaintain (芭蕉)), Snorkelling in the islands Galápagos Islands, climate in her countries! We had lunch, went to Network Sec and Aldi together. Q font as well! :yum:

  2. Ian: Lecturer in Networks. Very knowledgable!


In these two days I was playing around the Ghost in the Shellcode 2015, and happened to talk with people in the UoB hacking group through IRC channel.

  1. Sam: 久仰的大神⋯⋯三年學業成績排名全部第一。身上散髮一種淡定的大神氣息,淡淡的微笑常常能殺死人⋯⋯每次進房間都是他先說Hi,超級nice哈 :)Powerful, funny and friendly PhD students. Talked about hacking challenges, reverse engineering, undergrad and PhD projects, master applications etc.


  1. Chris: Hacking club, Parallel Programming classmates. Very fast in solving the first exercises. 他的“HCI is just a shit…"”just a shit…“就像爱尔兰小哥的”frost bit”一样久久回荡在我脑海……好酷炫哈哈

01-22 今天崴到脚,跟好多陌生人聊天……从扶我的路人甲乙到医护人员丙丁戊己庚辛到的士司机壬癸子。和Zully聊了一路,也和遇到的每个人或多或少都聊了一点。

  1. Therapist A:一副成长得年轻有为的年轻人。耐心地帮我包扎,会考虑到我鞋子和袜子厚度的敬业人员。也许因为他不是医生,当我问到他医院平时都接待什么人,他说无非都是割伤摔伤扭伤……感觉温婉表面的他内心其实有一团火。哎,其实你没看到还是有很多人来面试呢,而且你们的工作环境那么好,不用担心签证╮(╯_╰)╭。

  2. 医生B:比起前台那个说非开放性损伤的case可以等待up to 4 hours的emergency前台还有不耐烦的叫号人员,这个有亚裔血统和纯正英音的医生超nice好吗。给我找轮椅和照X光,很耐心地问我每一个地方都疼不疼,耐心地解释每一步康复措施和处方。

  3. 可爱的巴基斯坦一岁半小妹妹:表情和肢体的语言,一直其实是她在逗我吧。让我想起了小语轩。没想到我也是挺吸引小孩的。XD

  4. Big John's cashier:enthusiastic and ambitious,热情地给我介绍他们店面的饮料和食物,包括Guava番石榴味的fancy soft drinks。一开始就开始扯假如点餐的人没有手机怎么办。趁他问我们学什么专业的时候,我问了他的职业规划……之前是某食品质量检测总监,后来失去工作之后来这里当店员,准备开一家快递公司。当我问他竞争不会很大吗,他说一个订单,有不同子公司负责scheduling,他朋友做开了很赚钱。

  5. 司机ABC:都会主动关切我怎么样了。我下车的时候,司机A往这边开了,司机B提供手肘给我撑着,而司机C也告诉我他在这里18年了……